The Mayan Calendar
The Mayan calendar is made up of multiples of 360 day intervals called a TUN (pronounced ton). The information that I used came from Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., in his book “The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness”. According to his book, the Mayan Calendar is made up of nine levels all superimposed on each other. Each level is divided into 13 equally spaced segments. The thirteenth segment establishes the outcome of the level, and sets the stage for the subsequent level to follow. What they reveal is more than astonishing.
The first level is made up of 13 x 207 tuns, which equates to 16.4 billion years. The beginning is in the same time frame as the scientific “big bang” event. The 13th segment begins 1.26 billion years ago. In that segment, we have the development of multi-cellular organisms. It is called the cellular conscious level.
The second level is made up of 13 x 206 tuns, which equates to 820 million years. The 13th segment begins 63.1 million years ago. It is in that segment that mammals come to dominate the land. It is called the mammalian conscious level.
The third level is made up of 13 x 205 tuns, which equates to 41 million years. In this level, primates come into existence The 13th segment begins 3.15 million years ago. It is in that segment that family oriented groups are forming. It is called the familial conscious level.
The fourth level is made up of 13 x 204 tuns, which equates to 2 million years. Homo-erectus appears in this level. The 13th segment begins 156 thousand years ago. It is in that segment that the first modern humans form hunter-gatherer groups. It is called the tribal conscious level.
The fifth level is made up of 13 x 203 tuns, which equates to 102 thousand years. The 13th segment begins 5.9 thousand years ago. It is in that segment that we have homo-sapiens-sapiens forming the first civilizations with widespread development of agriculture. It is called the regional conscious level.
The sixth level is made up of 13 x 202 tuns, which equates to 5,125 years. It is in this level that all the world’s nations become established. It is in this level that all the world’s religions become established. The 13th segment begins in the year 1617. It is in that segment that we have the Industrial Revolution (the mass production of goods and the path to modern science). It is called the national conscious level.
The seventh level is made up of 13 x 20 tuns, which equates to 256 years. It is in this level that ideas of global pollution and environmental issues emerge. The 13th segment begins in 1992. In this segment, global communications converges into the world wide web (internet) available to everyone. It is called the planetary conscious level.
The eighth level is made up of 13 tuns, which equates to 12.8 years. In this level, the international space station is being built, and the Hubble telescope is discovering planets in other regions of space that may be able to support life. The 13th segment begins December, 2011. It is called the galactic conscious level.
The ninth and final level is made up of 13 uinals in which a uinal is a period of 20 days. The entire level is only 260 days long. It begins April 6, 2012. The 13th segment begins December 2, 2012. . This level, and all previous levels, jointly come to an end on December 21, 2012. It is called the universal conscious level. What has happened since is a transition to our complete dependence on the internet, an external (rather than internal) information processing system.
What originally made the end of the Mayan calendar a concern in the year 2012 is that all nine levels are superimposed on each other and they all ended on the same day. The end of the Mayan calendar was not the end of the world, it was a major milestone in the evolutionary process as we know it. We have discovered the properties and structure of physical matter. The discovery of the Higgs Boson was the final piece of the physical world. Science is now telling us that less than 5% of the universe is visible. The end of the Mayan calendar is the beginning of the transition from the visible to the invisible in how we understand the universe. We are now moving into uncharted territory that must be spiritually discerned.

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