The Merging of Two Worlds
  Roy E. Bourque      
Insights on the Holy Bible

The Old Testament

The first five books of the Old Testament established the foundation of the Hebrew-Jewish faith. They were written in the age of mythology. Many deny these books could be part of a myth because they regard myth as fictional, and therefore, not true. But that is not how mythology works. A historical myth takes events that occur over an expanse of time and condenses them into a short story that highlights those events. That the events themselves didn’t happen literally is dwarfed by the fact that the events did occur, but in a much larger environment and time frame than is apparent.

It is much like looking at a 3D poster. At first, you only see the surface image. But once you get your focus right, the poster takes on a whole new dimension. Images become apparent that were not obvious before. You had to look into the poster, not at it. The same is true for the elements of mythology. You have to read into the story in order to understand what the story is trying to tell you.

Genesis as mythology

Adam and Eve are mythological characters representing an entire culture. What happens to them in the story is what happened to that culture, not on a warm Sunday afternoon, but rather over several thousand years. In order to understand the story, you have to understand what the symbols mean. Those symbols include the serpent, the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the Garden of Eden, as well as the characters themselves.

Chapter five of the book tells you what the symbols mean. As a result, it allows an interpretation of the story that takes on whole new dimension. Although you may have heard the story many times before, you probably have never heard it told like this. And what it reveals, opens up channels of understanding that have not been tuned in for centuries.

Exodus as mythology

In the story of Exodus, Moses leads the Hebrew people out from Egypt. Like the book of Genesis, many of the details are symbols. Once you understand the symbols, you realize that the story is much bigger than what it appears to be. It takes on a dimension that can be traced historically to events that we know to be true, but again, over a much longer time frame than any literal interpretation would allow.

According to Exodus, God gives Moses instructions on how to lead the people. Among those instructions are details of how to set up the tabernacle. Nowhere in the bible does it say why the tabernacle was to be set up in that particular fashion. I discovered in the teachings of Eastern philosophy exactly why that pattern was chosen. It is all connected to spirituality, and it has far reaching implications.

Chapter six of the book takes you on a journey through history that begins to make sense. We see things today in a manner that is much different than how ancient people saw things. This chapter helps you to see things as they saw them. It reveals details that have long been forgotten, introduced by a culture that knew far more than most people realize.

The Holy of Holies

The Old Testament is not a how-to book on moral decency. It was written to lead us on a spiritual quest so that history wouldn’t repeat itself, for much of it is history. The spiritual quest was in search of the meaning of the “Holy of Holies” (the center of the tabernacle), what would later become known as the quest for the Holy Grail. It is known to recent generations as "Christ consciousness" or "Cosmic consciousness". This is not how religious institutions are set up today. Many religious leaders have tried to control people through the preaching of God’s wrath rather than leading us on the mystical path.

The Holy Grail is not an artifact; it is an insight into the deepest wisdom. It cannot be held in one’s hands but rather in one’s thoughts. Only those having the purest thoughts synchronized with universal wisdom (knowledge of how the cosmos truly works) can know what the Holy Grail is. And once you have found it, you know its value and the folly of people’s worldly quest to obtain it.

Jesus "The Christ"

Jesus Christ is declared to be the Son of God (or) God with us. “Christ” is not his last name. “Christ” is not his title. "Christ" is a consciousness.

Christ is the seventh energy Chakra of Eastern philosophy. It is the highest level achievable by the human mind. It can only be achieved by ascending the spiritual centers of the mind. Many never ascend beyond the animal passions. Many are not even aware that spiritual centers exist.

Anyone who achieves the level of Christ is said to be one with the forces of creation (or one with the creator). “I and the Father are one” is how Jesus put it. It requires spiritual growth. Jesus came to us to reveal "the Christ" through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In his departing, he made the ultimate sacrifice to reveal the unquenchable love of God through him.

To believe in Jesus is not about the person, but rather in what Jesus represents. Christ is the light and love of God working through us. As Jesus put it, he would return to the father where he could pour out the Holy Spirit upon those who believed in him. Light is knowledge of the forces of creation, and love is compassion for one another to use those forces for the common good. Anyone who can embody both of these principles is truly a gifted person.

Faith in Christ is part of a spiritual quest, not blind acceptance of some doctrine. It is a spiritual gift given only to those who have diligently sought it out, believing that greater things are possible. Believing in Jesus is only the first step on a journey that leads us back to God. Without Christ consciousness, Christianity is too divided to know what it truly is.

Once you have accepted Jesus, then the spirit of Christ begins to work its magic. It starts with self-contemplation, allowing us to see who we really are, and giving us a glimpse into what we are capable of becoming. The more we dwell on these matters, the more we learn to control our actions. We begin to sense the wellspring of living waters that Jesus spoke of. And as these living waters well up inside us, they give us new life. A new person is born, transcended from the old. This is the born-again experience that Jesus refers to; “except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. Until the mind can perceive what is possible through transcendence, we can do nothing to bring it about. Such is the mystery of the Christ child born in Bethlehem.

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