Carnal vs. Spiritual
We evolved from an animal. We have inherited a spirit from the divine essence. This duality creates an inner conflict. We can succumb to the influences of the lower animal nature, or we can rise to the potential that the divine essence can bestow on us. All world religions were founded on the battle that results from these two influences playing tug-a-war with our thoughts. The influences of the lower animal nature are represented as a devil whispering in one ear, whereas the influences of the divine essence are represented as an angel of God whispering in the other.
Eastern philosophy breaks this down as seven energy chakras that affect our spiritual nature. The are as follows:
Lower energy chakras (animal nature)
- Root chakra – its location is denoted as the feet. this is where we are grounded in the physical realm.
- Sacral chakra – Its location is denoted as the area of the groin. This is where sexual impulses rise.
- Solar Plexus chakra – Its location is denoted as the area of the diaphragm between the intestines and the lungs. This is where the energy of the body originates.
The midpoint
- Heart chakra – its location is denoted as the area of the breastbone. This is the center of our physical and spiritual being. It represents the whole body as opposed to just the head.
Upper energy chakras (divine nature)
- Throat chakra – Its location is denoted as the region of the neck. It represents awareness of right and wrong. It is sometimes referred to as purgation of evil intentions.
- Third eye chakra – it is denoted as the upper forehead. It represents spiritual awakenings. The ancient mystics knew of it as an extended awareness beyond our normal cognitive thinking. This is where intuition, inspiration and psychic phenomena arise.
- Christ chakra – it is denoted as radiant beams extending from the forehead into the source of life. What can be revealed when this chakra awakens no words can describe. This is the level where Jesus was when he walked the earth.
The first three energy chakras establish the carnal influences of the animal nature. All the trouble in the world results from lack of self-control over these chakras. The first leads to selfishness and greed. The second leads to sexual lust. The third leads to an unsatiable appetite for domination and control.
The fourth chakra is when awareness of a higher nature first awakens. Anyone who reaches this level realizes that we have a choice. They don’t just believe in a higher power; they realize that a higher power lays dormant within them. It is now up to them whether they will seek it out.
The last three energy chakras establish the spiritual influences of the divine essence. To develop these chakras, we must first learn to subdue our lower nature. Until we become the master of our thoughts, we cannot build a better world. This was the mythical slaying of the dragon and the function of the throat chakra.
The third eye chakra awakens a higher spirit within us. I felt that higher spirit awaken when I was nine while meditating on God. It has guided all my major decisions since.
The Christ chakra I can tell you little about because it is beyond my comprehension to understand it. It establishes a bond between the human spirit and the power that established the laws of the cosmos. It comes with great responsibility, to which few were ever able to bear. When Jesus came to the earth plane, he held that responsibility. When he gave his life, he did so with full understanding of what he was doing and the knowledge of why it must be done. His sacrifice offered hope to countless then, and continues to do so to this day. It would awaken a world transforming spirit.